It's that special time of year where I almost constantly complain about the weather - not that I'm willing to actually do anything about it, like move somewhere warmer. Complaining about the weather is a Northeast Ohioan's birthright - and a way to relate to strangers without feeling obligated to have a real conversation. When it's cold, we wish for summer. When it's hot, we wish for snow. Except me. I like the snow, but not the cold. I could live without it if there was anything I could do about it. I live for Spring, sweat for Summer, and agonize over Autumn. Although it's one of my favorite seasons, it offers a constant reminder that Winter is waiting in the wings. Our weather is a lot like our people. You may not like everything about them, but at least you know what you're getting. So I was going through my photos, wishing for warmer weather, and decided to put this quick piece together - for myself more than anyone else. Just a couple more months until Akron thaws and the salt is washed away.
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