Sunday, January 16, 2011

Not So Vocal

I haven't posted in the last few months. My attention has been focused almost exclusively on preparing for the year-end launch of the Akronist, greater Akron's new citizen journalism website. The Akronist made its debut with a soft launch at Akron's First Night celebration in downtown Akron.

Although what we have is different from what we envisioned in the early days, but it's been a great experience building this community media site and teaching people how to use digital media tools to tell their neighborhood stories. I'm proud of what we accomplished in the last year. I'm grateful for the generous and wonderful people I've met through the Akron Digital Media Center. I look forward to tracking the progress of this new venture and continuing to train and collaborate with outstanding people that inspire me and motivate me with their passion and drive. I'm thrilled to be part of something that gives my community a place and an opportunity to make their voices heard, discuss important local issues and create positive change. I get great satisfaction from sharing knowledge, passing on skills and helping people find their voices. I look forward to seeing what people put into the Akronist and what they get out of it.

In the meantime, I'm turning a a bit inward. I'm working on fine tuning my voice and exploring more and better ways to use my skills to positively impact my community. So I'll be around more often and in more places doing what I think needs to be done to make this a better place to call home. I hope you'll feel compelled to stop by and say hi - and maybe even throw in your two cents.


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