Saturday, January 22, 2011

Opportunity Knocks.

Building the Akron Digital Media Center has helped open a few  doors. I enjoy walking through these doors even though I don't always know what's on the other side. But my favorite doors to open are the seemingly small ones - the doors you would probably walk past or never see if it weren't for opportunities that put those doors right in front of your path. It was one of those doors that led to Kwame and Alchemy.

Today, Blue and I visited Alchemy's Myth, Muses and Scribes meeting, a youth development program for males from 6th grade through 12th grade. Alchemy's mission is "to provide leadership development in small group settings, utilizing mythological traditions, themes and motifs to introduce, interpret and integrate ancient wisdom in a contemporary context." The first class graduates this year. It's pretty exciting.

Kwame Scruggs (above) is Alchemy's Executive Director. I met him through the ADMC, but heard great things about his group before that. He conducts interactive sessions that combine myth and drumming with lecture and discussion to impart values of personal and social responsibility, self-confidence and leadership. Everyone sits in a circle according to age and everyone is expected to participate. Kwame holds their interest because he's honest, stays on their level, engages them and keeps them thinking. He helps them relate the past to the present so they can build a better future. He opens doors for these kids and shows them how to walk through with confidence so they can start to open more doors on their own.

As more doors open to me, I'm learning two things: (1) there are more good people in my community trying to do positive things than I thought ever existed - I can be pretty cynical - and (2) these people rarely get the attention they deserve - which is probably why I've been so cynical. It's great to know there are people and groups in our community that are truly passionate about helping others. These are the kind of people that fill me up. They inspire me to do better and achieve more. They help solve problems rather than just complain. They make me even prouder to call Akron my home.


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