I wrote this story for the Akronist announcing the third year launch of ZeroLandfill Akron, a kind of recycling program that takes design and building material samples and recycles them for use by artists, arts educators, and other creative spirits that have vision to do something with this old stuff. It's not necessarily a new idea and it's not rocket science. But this group seems to have a good understanding about creating a replicable and sustainable model, so hopefully it will continue to grow and be successful. The girl in me also enjoys the cute labels for the ZeroLandfill concept and the people that participate - "upcycling" takes the place of recycling, those who donate materials are "pollinators" and those who reuse the materials are "harvesters". More than just another recycling program, it strives to create community, which bodes well for the brand long-term. I'm looking forward to checking it out when it opens on February 5th. It's just unfortunate that it lasts only a few Saturdays. I suppose that just leaves room for growth.
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