Saturday, January 29, 2011

Snow Days

I'm not much of a winter weather person. I appreciate winter, but prefer to admire it through a window from under a warm blanket while sipping hot cocoa. Fortunately, there are days like today to make me find joy in a season I respect, but rarely regard as enjoyable. Blue, Zoey and I went to Boston Mills ski resort in Boston Heights, a small community north of Akron, to scout locations and meet a friend of ours about doing a video about three generations that ski. It was a great time, even though neither Zoey nor I were dressed properly.

I shot and edited this quick little video of Zoey on my iPod while we were waiting for Blue to get some great shots of the slopes. Zoey helped me forget about the cold for a little while and reflect on the simple joys of being outside in the snow and just wanting to play, play, play until our fingers, toes and noses were about to freeze off. Chasing her everywhere helped, too.

Here's to winter in Northeast Ohio. You never really know what you're going to get each year, but there's truly nothing like it. It's part of who we are and at least it gives us something to talk about.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Opportunity Knocks.

Building the Akron Digital Media Center has helped open a few  doors. I enjoy walking through these doors even though I don't always know what's on the other side. But my favorite doors to open are the seemingly small ones - the doors you would probably walk past or never see if it weren't for opportunities that put those doors right in front of your path. It was one of those doors that led to Kwame and Alchemy.

Today, Blue and I visited Alchemy's Myth, Muses and Scribes meeting, a youth development program for males from 6th grade through 12th grade. Alchemy's mission is "to provide leadership development in small group settings, utilizing mythological traditions, themes and motifs to introduce, interpret and integrate ancient wisdom in a contemporary context." The first class graduates this year. It's pretty exciting.

Kwame Scruggs (above) is Alchemy's Executive Director. I met him through the ADMC, but heard great things about his group before that. He conducts interactive sessions that combine myth and drumming with lecture and discussion to impart values of personal and social responsibility, self-confidence and leadership. Everyone sits in a circle according to age and everyone is expected to participate. Kwame holds their interest because he's honest, stays on their level, engages them and keeps them thinking. He helps them relate the past to the present so they can build a better future. He opens doors for these kids and shows them how to walk through with confidence so they can start to open more doors on their own.

As more doors open to me, I'm learning two things: (1) there are more good people in my community trying to do positive things than I thought ever existed - I can be pretty cynical - and (2) these people rarely get the attention they deserve - which is probably why I've been so cynical. It's great to know there are people and groups in our community that are truly passionate about helping others. These are the kind of people that fill me up. They inspire me to do better and achieve more. They help solve problems rather than just complain. They make me even prouder to call Akron my home.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Waste Not. Want Not.

I wrote this story for the Akronist announcing the third year launch of ZeroLandfill Akron, a kind of recycling program that takes design and building material samples and recycles them for use by artists, arts educators, and other creative spirits that have vision to do something with this old stuff. It's not necessarily a new idea and it's not rocket science. But this group seems to have a good understanding about creating a replicable and sustainable model, so hopefully it will continue to grow and be successful. The girl in me also enjoys the cute labels for the ZeroLandfill concept and the people that participate - "upcycling" takes the place of recycling, those who donate materials are "pollinators" and those who reuse the materials are "harvesters". More than just another recycling program, it strives to create community, which bodes well for the brand long-term. I'm looking forward to checking it out when it opens on February 5th. It's just unfortunate that it lasts only a few Saturdays. I suppose that just leaves room for growth.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wishing for Warmer Weather

It's that special time of year where I almost constantly complain about the weather - not that I'm willing to actually do anything about it, like move somewhere warmer. Complaining about the weather is a Northeast Ohioan's birthright - and a way to relate to strangers without feeling obligated to have a real conversation. When it's cold, we wish for summer. When it's hot, we wish for snow. Except me. I like the snow, but not the cold. I could live without it if there was anything I could do about it. I live for Spring, sweat for Summer, and agonize over Autumn. Although it's one of my favorite seasons, it offers a constant reminder that Winter is waiting in the wings. Our weather is a lot like our people. You may not like everything about them, but at least you know what you're getting. So I was going through my photos, wishing for warmer weather, and decided to put this quick piece together - for myself more than anyone else. Just a couple more months until Akron thaws and the salt is washed away.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Not So Vocal

I haven't posted in the last few months. My attention has been focused almost exclusively on preparing for the year-end launch of the Akronist, greater Akron's new citizen journalism website. The Akronist made its debut with a soft launch at Akron's First Night celebration in downtown Akron.

Although what we have is different from what we envisioned in the early days, but it's been a great experience building this community media site and teaching people how to use digital media tools to tell their neighborhood stories. I'm proud of what we accomplished in the last year. I'm grateful for the generous and wonderful people I've met through the Akron Digital Media Center. I look forward to tracking the progress of this new venture and continuing to train and collaborate with outstanding people that inspire me and motivate me with their passion and drive. I'm thrilled to be part of something that gives my community a place and an opportunity to make their voices heard, discuss important local issues and create positive change. I get great satisfaction from sharing knowledge, passing on skills and helping people find their voices. I look forward to seeing what people put into the Akronist and what they get out of it.

In the meantime, I'm turning a a bit inward. I'm working on fine tuning my voice and exploring more and better ways to use my skills to positively impact my community. So I'll be around more often and in more places doing what I think needs to be done to make this a better place to call home. I hope you'll feel compelled to stop by and say hi - and maybe even throw in your two cents.
