Thursday, October 14, 2010

Circus of Lights

When I heard about this lantern festival in the University Park neighborhood, I didn't think much of it. It was the end of a busy week, so I was really just going along for the family time. So it was a pleasant surprise to encounter such a well-organized, elaborately costumed, beautifully orchestrated event in the street in front of Don Drumm Studios. It made for a whimsical backdrop. Did you go? What did you think?

As day turned quickly to night, it was easy to become immersed in the bohemian/gypsy/old-world circus atmosphere. I'm not really sure what else to call it, though I'm sure it has a better name. My nearly 2-year-old daughter Zoey was somewhat awestruck as she went between staring and pointing and giggling at all the lights and the bustle of activity that took place all around her. I wish we could have stayed for the fire finale, but Zoey just couldn't make it that long. It was still one of my favorite events ever, and I'm impressed that my city hosted it. Can't wait for next year. We'll be ready.

In the meantime, here's a short, rough, dark video I shot and edited completely on my iPod just for fun while pushing Zoey around in a stroller and dodging ladies on stilts, clowns on carts and other assorted silly sights. Enjoy!


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