Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Movie Time!

Where have I been? Making a short movie with Blue. It's called Spirits and we're showing it at the Highland Theater at the end of November to anyone willing to pay $5. Despite a complete script rewrite, losing all the original footage due to hard drive failure, having to re-shoot the entire first half of the film with a different mix of cast and crew, hours and hours (and hours and hours) of watching Blue staring at a computer screen editing and fine-tuning, it was great fun.

Speaking of cast and crew, everyone volunteered and the set locations were completely donated. We had some out-of-pocket expenses. It's polite to at least feed people, especially when you're not paying them. And we'll probably spend more on the premiere party than the entire film cost in hard dollars. But it's worth it. We're completely thrilled with how far we've come.

Now for the plug. (You can also watch the trailer or read the press release.)

The Spirits Premiere Party takes place at 9:30 pm on Friday, November 30th at Akron's Highland Square (826 W. Market Street). Doors open at 9:15 pm. Tickets are only $5 each and they're available for pre-sale or at the door. Sponsorship opportunities available - we're just trying to cover the cost of the party, have some food and give away at least one great raffle prize. Sponsorship opportunities include tickets and other incentives. All the details and online ticket ordering are available on the Spirits website.

For Blue and I, Spirits was a great experience. We look at it as somewhat of an experiment in producing high-quality, low-cost Akron-based films by finding ways to collaborate with local businesses and dedicated, local citizens.  It was also intended as a stepping stone for some larger, more complicated projects that are in development. For Blue, it was a chance to do something he loves and really start to hone his core production crew before embarking on some big projects he's been wanting to complete for some time. It's an exciting time in the Green household.

Ultimately, Blue and I are thrilled with the final product, grateful for all the support we had, and excited to share Spirits with our friends. We hope you will consider coming out and telling a few of your friends.

Special thanks must be given to Dan McCoy for his generous support securing a preview venue; The Office Bistro and Lounge for its generous use of space and time during filming; our entire cast and crew for your adaptability and willingness to stick it out; and even our extras that didn't make it in the final cut because of massive hard drive failure.