After committing to posting more regularly, I went completely the other way and posted nothing at all for about the last month and a half. It's been a strange, but not unpleasant, couple of years. A lot has transpired in little time, none of which is interesting to more than a handful of people, so I won't bore you with unnecessary drama. It's only worth mentioning to understand that it has all led to the crossroad at which I'm now standing. Most of us come to many of these throughout life and not all of them are unpleasant. It's just that the paths at this particular crossroad are a bit strange and unexpected. I've probably been more fortunate than most that I have a few minutes to stop and consider each path before choosing one and barrel down it. That doesn't happen often, and I'm still not sure which direction I'll end up traveling. All I know is that no matter which path I choose, I am committed to taking my voice with me - and hopefully the voices of others. So I'm refocusing VocalLocals to dedicate less effort to me and my content and more effort to:
- encouraging constructive dialogue about the local people, places, things and ideas that don't get discussed as much or as honestly as they deserve.
- helping local citizens organize around issues that are as important to me as they are to them.
- helping community members document the stories of the Akron community for current and future generations.
- encouraging action that stimulates pride and investment in Akron and in my North Hill neighborhood.
It's important that others participate. Come together to share ideas - similar and different. Organize around shared interests. Take action to create positive change. It won't work without all of you. Thanks for your time. I look forward to talking with you.